One may think that using a social media outlet to talk about social media is redundant, but honestly, is there any better way to explain how to use a web tool other than using it effectively?
The Twitter account @socialmediaclub has been tweeting, retweeting and demonstrating how to optimize social media since February of 2007. However, the organization has been around and exploring various social media since 2006.
Social Media Club is a California-based group that is dedicated to trying out new social media techniques and technology, tackling key conflicts in the real of social media and reporting their findings to whoever is interested. The club now has more than 300 chapters across the nation. They have given computers and gadgets to local schools and are funded solely on donations.
This non-profit organization looks to scoop any up and coming sites that surface. Their Twitter start date alone is proof that they are ahead of the game on any social media technology they can find. Had Twitter not played out so well, they would have reported their findings and found the new media that was most effective.
The Twitter account for the group tweets links related to social media ethics, seminars and tips for businesses and personal users. They even have a book club series on which users can promote various social media-based books to by using #SMCbooks.
@socialmediaclub keeps users connected by tweeting interesting content daily and interacting with its audience. Every so often, the group will invite a prominent social media expert or author aboard and users can tweet questions to them. Those questions are then answered via Twitter, of course.
I would also like to note that their follower to following ratio. They follow more than 75,000 people and have almost 122,000 followers. The ration looks a bit one-sided, but when you note how many people they are following and how large the group is, that ratio is relatively modest.
My only problem I have with the Twitter site itself is the amount of tweets they have per day. In total, they have almost 16, 500 tweets. That is quite a few daily. However, Twitter comes with a handy-dandy "turn off retweets" function that allows you to just see their original content and tips. If you do not wish to flood your Twitter feed with social media tips, but would still like the insight, I recommend bookmarking this page.
I would say that the Social Media Club is effective in their efforts. One may see them as social media nerds, but I see them as the cool kids club of social media.
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